Use Original USB cable.
Charging your devices battery up to 80%.
Download Official 4.2.2 Jelly Bean: - Click Here to Download
Samsung ODIN V 3.07:- Click here to Download.
Instruction: - This
Official 4.2.2 Jelly Bean is works only Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 S7270 so doesn’t try
to other Samsung Devices.
Must Read: - Howto Check Root & Unroot Any Android Mobile.
Enable USB Debugging in your device.
Switch OFF your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 S7270
3. Open the device to download mode. (To do
this Press and hold volume down + power button + Home button Download
screen should appear.)
4. After 2 second WARNING! Screen appears.
Press the 'Volume UP' button to enter Download Mode. Now connect
your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 S7270 in your PC through USB Cable.
Run the ODIN application on the desktop. When
the device is connected successfully, the ID: COM boxof ODIN screen will turn Blue
or Yellow with the COM port number. & 'Added' should appear in the
message box in Odin. (If not, then install
Samsung Galaxy Tab-3 USB drivers
successfully then check it again.) (Other wise don't apply next step)

Now from the ODIN Application screen
Click the PDA button and select .tar or .md5
B. Click on ‘Phone’
then choose file with ‘MODEM’ in its
name. If the file doesn't exist, ignore this step.
Click on ‘CSC’
then choose file with ‘CSC’ in its
name. If this file doesn't exist, ignore this step.
Click on ‘PIT’
then choose file with .pit file. However if this file doesn't exist,
then ignore this one.
Note: Ignore the last three steps
(B, C and D) in case such files are not found.

Tick only Auto Reboot and F.Reset Time check
boxes are selected in ODIN Screen.
8. Tick Re-Partition option, only if the .PIT
file is selected in the step 6. (If .PIT file select then tick Re-Partition
otherwise don't Tick Re-Partition box.
Note: - Verify everything suggested in Step
6 and Step 7 is done correctly.
10. Now
Click the Start Button from the ODIN application and wait for some time
to flash the file.
Wait Until Process Finishes. As Soon as Process
Done, You will See That The ID: COM Section is Turned Green With The Message
12. After
Getting “Pass” Message, Disconnect Your Phone From The PC.
13. Now
your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 S7270
successfully Update Android 4.2.2
Enjoy your Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 S7270 successfully
Update Android 4.2.2
Share this links with your friends
Don't use this process to other devices otherwise
your mobile is damage.
Note: - I am not responsible if you make any
mistake and damage or any other problem your devise.
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