This is the Install CWM Recovery tutorial using SP Smart Phone Tools. In this tutorial you will find all the step with image screenshot therefore it’s very easy and safe method to Install CWM Recovery on your MTK Devcie. First you have to read my all the step then you are also able to Install CWM Recovery on your android device without any troubles. So don’t search just download and implementing on your android device.
I hope you have to download all requirement file to Install CWM Recovery on your android device.
Video Tutorial:-
Follow these steps to Install CWM Recovery.
1. Download and Install Android USB drivers on your computer.
2. Enable USB debugging on your Android Device.

3. Switch off your android device and remove your battery [if it is removable]

4. Download Official stock ROM and extract on your computer.
8. SP Tool asks you the location of the scatter file. Click Browses now go to the stock ROM folder and select the scatter file "Android_scatter_emmc.txt" which is our scatter file.
11. Now connect your Android device with USB Cable to your computer or Laptop.( Make sure your phone is switched off condition)
12. After connecting your android device to the computer Press Volume Down or Volume Up key, so that the computer easily detect your Android device.
13. SP Tool detect your device then the process will start. If SP Tool is not detect your device than install vcom driver in your computer.
15. Now Close SP tool….. Remove Phone from PC
16. Now switch ON your device. It is successfully update.
Dear friends you have to successfully update your android device. If you have to any problem regarding to updating process on your android device, then please you can share your problem and difficulty with me in the comment box.
“Disclaimer”:- please follow my each and every step read carefully. We are not responsible for damage or any other problem on your android devices. If you are doing this methods on your device it at your own responsibility.
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