How to Install PhilZ Recovery on Sony Xperia ZL C6502 / C6506.

PhilZ CWM Recovery is based on CWM Recovery, or should I say that it is a CWM Recovery with a lot of extra features and options; a Simple CWM Recovery has been modified, enhanced a lot, filled with more features and options, and thus transformed into PhilZ Recovery. This is the Only Recovery which is not free of bugs and supports almost every ROM out there.
Pre-Requisites to update your Android device.
1.    Follow this procedure only and only if you have Android Device with the specific model number.
2.      Your device should be charged more than 80%.
3.      Make sure you have all the backup of your internal and external stored files.
4.      Make sure you have USB debugging mode enabled.
5.      Don’t Try to flash this ROM over any other Device

Download PhilZ RecoveryClick Here to Download 

Installation Process:-
1.       Download and Extract the PhilZ Recovery Package to your computer desktop.
2. Open the Folder named “lockeddualrecovery”, which contains the Package to install PhilZ Recovery.
3.      Connect your Device with PC.
4.   Now Run the Install.bat file and your phone will automatically boot into PhilZ Recovery.
5.    Use Volume buttons to navigate to Reboot System Now and Press Power Button to reboot it.
6.      After a proper reboot, your device will be running PhilZ Recovery 6

Note: - I am not responsible if you make any mistake and damage or any other problem your device.

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