How to Reduce Space Between two Sidebar Blogger Widgets.

Now in this post to reduce space between blogger sidebar widget. There are many problem regarding to more space between to sidebar blogger widget. Now if you have to reduce the space between two sidebar blogger widget then apply this methods it’s 100% work and it’s very easy method to reduce the space between two sidebar blogger widget.

Methods to Implements:-
1.      Now Logging to your blogger
Note: - Backup your current template coding after you have to apply this process.
2.      Go to Dashboard---> Template ---> Customise

3.      Then go to ---> Advanced ---> Add CSS

4.      Now copy the below code and paste in CSS box.

.widget {
    margin: 10px 0 0 0;

5.      Now just change the value of “10” as per your adjustment.
6.      Now click on “Apply to Blog”

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